These Pictures Of Women Prove Beauty Lies In Every Corner Of The World


Mihaela Noroc, from Romania is a photographer who has been traveling the world since past 4 years. It was her dream project to capture the beauty of everyday women from all around the Earth and narrate their stories. She named her project the “Atlas of beauty.”

She wants to show the world the real beauty which is not restricted by age or colour. In her journey she has clicked more than 500 portraits and listening to the stories of the women has changed her way of looking at life.

Image Source: Instagram

1. Kathmandu, Nepal

Beautiful women from around the world

Sona was celebrating Holi when she was captured. The innocence in her eyes is remarkable.

2. Ethiopia

Beautiful women from around the world

What surprised Mihaela Noroc most in Ethiopia is the bond between Muslims and Christians. The woman in the picture and her Christian best friend own a small terrace together.

3. Baku, Azerbaijan

Beautiful women from around the world

In a male dominated society, Fidan has stood up for her rights and do not want to get into a relationship unless she is treated equally and with respect.

4. Tehran, Iran

Beautiful women from around the world

Mahsa is an independent girl, who established herself as a graphic designer when she was just 18 years old.

5. Amazon Rainforest

Beautiful women from around the world

Can you believe this was her wedding outfit? You don’t need a lavish wedding to enjoy your special day.

6. Amritsar, India

Beautiful women from around the world

India is a place where traditions and cultures are the main inheritance.

7. Columbia

Beautiful women from around the world

Doesn’t she look like Merida from brave? The fiery eyes and the courage in the heart.

8. Wakhan Corridor, Afghanistan

Beautiful women from around the world

She was just working in the field one afternoon in one of the most remote places of Earth.

9. Idomeni Refugee Camp, Greece

Beautiful women from around the world

The mother and her two daughters somehow managed to escape from the war in Syria. It saved their life.

10. Nampan, Myanmar

Beautiful women from around the world

She sells vegetables with other women in the local market. The smile is adorable.

11. Bucharest, Romania

Beautiful women from around the world

Magda had a terrible car accident when she lost her legs. Ever since then she is on the mission of changing the way other people look or treat the people on wheelchair.


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