Genetic Mutation Blessed These People With Shocking Skin Traits


Genetic mutation is a complex phenomenon. A permanent alteration in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene is commonly known as gene mutation. These altered DNA sequences are uncommon and differ from what is found in most people. Mutation occurs in various forms – it can affect a single DNA block or can hamper a large segment of chromosome as well that has multiple genes. Most of time the results of mutation are devastating as they cause major genetically inherited diseases. But in some rare cases these mutation produce astonishing results as well.

The dysfunction of gene in a DNA sequence make some people uniquely different and beautiful nonetheless. Beauty has no genre, a lot of people are blessed with unique body traits that many of us could only dream to have. Some people have adapted so bravely to the variations in their general look and accepted the same as artistic enhancement that they look distinctively more beautiful.

Here are some of the people with the most unique and scintillating features.

Some people make tattoos on their skin, but she is born with them


This beauty has ocean eyes


Vitiligo causes skin to lose colors but sometimes the colorless skin patches take form of art


Michale Jackson also suffered from full body vitiligo


Sometimes freckles add to the glamour quotient 


Piebaldism causes a lock of hair to whiten – sometimes there’s a beauty in being different 


Poliosis causes for eyelashes and eyebrows to whiten – who says that ain’t beautiful?


Melanin models are in demand these days for their unique skin trait


Eyes with dual colors – who wouldn’t dig that?


Though Albinism is a serious condition, many have adapted their altered look as a fashion statement


Heterochromia iridum causes for eyes to have multiple colors 



Cleft chin is also a well known gene mutation –  many celebs sport this different trait with pride



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