These Photoshop Fails Are So Bad That You’ll End Up Poking Your Eyes Out


Photoshopping is a skill set that should only be left to the professionals. Undoubtedly, professionals are the people who are actually good at Photoshop, as they can create magic with their talent. These professionals can create surreal artworks that would look straight out of a camera’s lens. Inserting a person into a scene or situation they aren’t present in is something Photoshop professionals can easily do and that too with exceptional finesse. But some people are downright horrible in photoshopping and their work makes for some hilarious Photoshop fails.

The most fun part of photoshopping fails is probably that the person who created them might have thought that their artwork will actually fool people. It is because they don’t possess any photoshopping skills, their work looks funny and laughable. We can just hope that these people have some sense of humor as well to simply accept how poorly they have edited the images.

Below are some of the best Photoshop fails. From trying to look cool to try to look better – the people in these images just end up looking like morons.

Why bother going to the gym when a computer is all you need to get abs


That butt is sticking out so loudly that it pressed away from the wall as well


Hot body is all that matters 


Who says planes need landing gear to stand still on runways


6 pack abs are underrated, let’s aim for 12 pack abs


That company that claimed to give away hefty prize money couldn’t even invest in an adequate photoshop professional


Lions and Tigers as a pet is far less dangerous than being confident about your editing skills


Blue eyes that are ocean deep can literally melt anyone 


Everyone is a hulk when they own a computer or smartphone 


There’s nothing wrong in wanting a Kardashian booty, all you need is some photoshopping skills


If they don’t cheer for you, cheer for yourself 



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