These Photos Are Edited So Badly That They Turned Out Hilarious


Photoshop is the best application ever. It can change a photograph to the extent that you can not figure out what it actually looked like. It is even better than makeup. Some just experiment with it and some do the mistakes knowingly. These are such examples where you need to figure out if it is a mistake or it is done purposely. Whatever the reason may be the pictures turned out to be hilarious.

1. Another version of King Kong

photos edited so bad are actually hilarious


A cat sitting on a skyscraper is the last thing we can imagine.

2. When the coach shouts on you

photos edited so bad are actually hilarious



He looks exactly like this while shouting.

3. Hollywood surely looks different

photos edited so bad are actually hilarious


This place is edited with the background of Hollywood. No one can tell how seamlessly it’s edited.

4. Straight out of Hawkton

photos edited so bad are actually hilarious


The editor thought let’s edit a hawk and give it human legs and some swag.

5. How delicious!

photos edited so bad are actually hilarious


This squirrel is the cutest thing you will see today on the internet. And the way he is eating looks so real with the expression.

6. Making it look like he owns it

photos edited so bad are actually hilarious


Some of the photoshops are too hilarious to handle. When you can’t own a helicopter better photoshop it.

7. Napoleon’s cat

photos edited so bad are actually hilarious


Seriously who did this? The photoshop experts are really hilarious and they do not leave any chance to show off their skills.

8. He asked his friend to photoshop the dog so that it seems he is hugging the dog

photos edited so bad are actually hilarious


This is why you should never ask such favours from your friends. They always know how to humiliate you.

9. Oh my God! Have you seen anything cuter than this?

photos edited so bad are actually hilarious


The editing is so perfect it doesn’t even seem like photoshopped.

10. And the Throne goes to…

photos edited so bad are actually hilarious


He certainly deserves to be on the Throne because of his editing skills.

11. Hands up humans!

photos edited so bad are actually hilarious


The look this bird is giving only deserves such editing. It suits completely with the situation.

12. She asked to make her beautiful

photos edited so bad are actually hilarious


This is what they did.

13. Hop on baby!

photos edited so bad are actually hilarious


Making his dreams come true for once.


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