Ways To Keep The Love Alive In A Long Distance Relationship


If love does blossom, long distance relationships too can work out. Though families usually discourage such relationships, you may rather pay heed to your best pal advising you to take the relationship seriously, in case you have gotten really close. However, making it work is not as easy saying. Yet, there are ways to keep love alive in a long distance relationship. Here are some tips to keep the love alive in a long distance relationship.

1. Stay away from talking too much

You don’t really need to keep in touch with your fiancé or boyfriend for 12 hours a day. This may well act as a drag on the blossoming love.

2. It is an opportunity, not a problem

Whether to work it out or not depends on your mindset. View it as an opportunity and start considering it as a testing time for both of you.

3. Limit your expectations

You need to be clear about things that you can and cannot do in such a long distance relationship.

4. Regular communication is important

Though you need not be in touch for the most part of the day, you do need to communicate regularly.

5.  Talk dirty


Yes, talking dirty can spice up relations even if you are poles apart physically.

6. Try to avoid dangerous situations

If you know that your partner does not like the idea of going to the club or drinking with groups of friends, abstain from it.

7. Do some things together

Despite being located so far, you can do something together such as play online games, watch YouTube, etc.

8. Engage in similar things

Listen to a song, watch a movie and recommend it to your boyfriend or fiancé. This really acts as a glue.

9. Visit each other

You need to visit each other at least sometimes, if not possible regularly.

10. Having a goal helps

Discuss questions like how long can you stay like this? What is the future plan etc?


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