Your Favourite Cartoon Characters Spotted In Real Life !!


Who would have thought that some of the cartoon characters actually have real life look-alikes ? They have no idea how identical they look either dressed up and copying the characters or just a hilarious coincidence.We particularly enjoyed the #3 and couldn’t help laughing at #4 .They are among us and can be found anywhere. Infact there are so many people around us who have got some great cartoon look alike similarities.I’m sure you have encountered them and would have told your friends ” Hey doesn’t he look like a cartoon character from that TV show ? ”

So if you ever encounter one of them don’t forget to blink your eyes 3 times.Thanks us later

Here are 20 cartoon characters in real life,let us know which one has the amazing similarities in our comment section

1. Oh F**k,Yeah Thats Right

Dora the explorer and the similarities are so spot on that you don’t need to explore much

cartoon characters spotted in real life



2. Nicki Minaj Looks Like Mrs Potato Here

Well, Nicki Minaj didn’t need to try much 😀

cartoon characters spotted in real life


3. And Now We’re Cooking

I’m glad he knows what he looks like and he has one more similarity. Jr Mark Zuckerberg, No ?

cartoon characters, real life


4. This SpongeBob With A Perfect Square 😀

Hey patrick ! see i told you I have a brother

cartoon characters, real life



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