People & Incidents That Lit Up Social Media And Went Viral in 2016


Social media is ruling the world these days. People and incidents intentionally or unintentionally go viral, and trolls the social media via Facebook, Twitter etc.

1. RIO 2016

The 2016 Olympic Games had taken the top spot on social media globally. It had created a fire amongst people of the participating countries.

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2.Mohammad Ali

The world lost the American professional boxer and activist. He was one of the few most significant and celebrated sports figures. The whole world mourned over it.

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3. Donald Trump

Mr. Trump, the US president, needs no special mention for going viral in 2016. I guess almost everyone is aware of his speeches and videos that made people go crazy. He had lit up the social media all through the year 2016. First his anti-Islamic statements that melted the Internet, then the election campaign against Hilary Clinton, and lot more hot news.

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