An Indonesian Kid Had Been Smoking 40 Cigarettes A Day And This Is How Looks 8 Years Later


Addictions like smoking can indeed be harmful and in worst cases can cause death. One’s addictions can have a very adverse negative impact on his life. Not only his but also the life of people around him gets disrupted.

Here is the story of Ardi Razi, a kid who had been smoking as much as 40 cigarettes at the age of just 2.

Ardi Razi, an Indonesian kid made his way up through the headlines seven years ago and videos of him emerged puffing cigarettes. He smoked around 40 cigarettes a day.

Kid smoking cigarettes



This pictures of him got so viral that Indonesian government was forced to take a stringent action against childhood smoking.

Kid smoking cigarettes



Soon after that, he was sent to a rehab to in order to overcome his addiction. He was sent for therapy sessions in Jakarta for two weeks.

Kid smoking cigarettes


During his rehabilitation treatment, Aldi saw psychiatrists who encouraged his mother to keep him busy with playing and taught her about the dangers of smoking.


Kid smoking cigarettes



He finally learned to say no when someone offered him a cigarette.

Kid smoking cigarettes



His addiction to smoking was replaced with another addiction. That addiction was food.

Kid smoking cigarettes


Ardi got hooked on junk food. By the time he was 6 years old, Ardi was morbidly obese. He was dangerously overweight.

Kid smoking cigarettes



His parents finally hired a nutritionist and he learned to eat a balanced diet. This is how he looks now.

Kid smoking cigarettes



The change is indeed fascinating. Ardi is an inspiration for those who want to quit their addictions to bad habits.

Kid smoking cigarettes


Unaware of the hazardous face behind the almost inexistent fog; youngsters, these days, think smoking adds up to their cool look which, unfortunately, is not the case.

We must realize, behind that cool body, a healthy body keeps us standing and living. Because appearances aren’t just deceptive but dangerous too.

Say no to fog and yes to food!


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