Literally Every Feeling You Go Through When Your BFF Gets Married


Friendship is a beautiful relationship which demands heart and soul. This is why we don’t ever feel like losing our best friends. But life requires sacrifices. These are literally every feeling you go through when your bff gets married. Marriage brings new relations and responsibilities which make you worry about your best friend. Plus, you feel like losing a significant part of your heart. You realize that no one will be left to listen to your crap, scold you and care for you like a baby. There won’t be anyone you can count on in rough times, as your bff will get busy with her family.

But along with all the fears, you get this satisfaction that your bff is setting with her family and moving forward in her life. She is getting her life partner who will care and love her for the rest of her life. Undoubtedly, marriages are a part of our culture and they make us happy and excited. It comes along with food, dances, fun, make-up and jewelry.

Here’s the list of the relatable feeling you get when your BFF gets married.


1. Firstly, you still try to fathom the idea that your bff is getting married

bff married feeling


2. The transition from friend to husband/wife is an insane one and you take time getting used to it.

bff married feeling


3. You have to start getting used to the new individual in the picture

bff married feeling


4. Somewhere, deep down, you feel like you’re going to be replaced

bff married feeling


5. You have these mini turf wars with the groom

bff married feeling


6. You pass these off as banter, but deep inside you’re kind of guns out about the whole situation 

bff married feeling



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