Reasons About Why Their Should Be A Ban For Parents On Facebook!


Social media life, well just took over that thing of having a social life. Not only youngsters but people belonging to every age group can easily be found there, okay well, parents too. And you know it’s not quite a fortunate thing to have one’s parents available on any of the Facebook like social media platforms. Why? Well, they can make you get trolled, anytime, which obviously calls up for their ban.

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Parents ban on facebook

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Though, you might have experienced different cases where youngsters are not quite happy about being their parents available on Facebook.

Parents ban on facebook

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Here are some of the valid ones which would make you, maybe think twice about adding, either your status or your parents on Facebook.

1. You know it’s your Mum and well, she knows everything.
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2. And after all your dad has more experience and so he can tell it in much better way.
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3. Well, yes, your father has all the rights to own you, correct?
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4. Maybe because fathers know, that what can actually be considered as a verification signature for their daughter! I mean, if not your face!
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