Ever Wondered Why Seats In Airplane Need To Be In Upright Position During Takeoff?


The rules in the airline are quite confusing for the passengers but the safety concern is real. It seems confusing but believes me it’s absolutely not and when you come to know the reason behind why the seats in airplane need to be in upright position during takeoff and landing you’ll be surprised!

Seats In Airplane Need To Be In Upright Position During Takeoff


Airplane seats only recline slightly, which might make it seem strange when passengers are ordered to ensure their seats are in an upright position for take-off.

Seats In Airplane Need To Be In Upright Position During Takeoff


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But have you wondered why or try to find the answer to it? If not, then you’re at the right place!

Since most of the accidents occur during landing and takeoff of the airplane because when the seats are not in an upright position, it’s not locked. There are mainly two reasons why passengers are asked to keep their seats up in an upright position is to clear the maximum amount of space for a quick exit and to keep injuries to a minimum during a crash.

Seats In Airplane Need To Be In Upright Position During Takeoff


The logic behind it is extremely simple when the seat is back, it’s not locked. When the seat is up, it is locked. If there is an emergency, an unlocked seat has more force during impact, and the thrusting forward of the seat can cause the passenger more injury.

Seats In Airplane Need To Be In Upright Position During Takeoff




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