World’s Funniest Hotel Fails That Really Shocked The Tourists!


Tourists all over prefer a cozy and comfortable room in a luxurious hotel, but they get shocked to see how the hotel fails, to provide them that luxury and comfort, for which they have checked in. There are many different hotels all over the world, where some are haunted, some are at secluded places, some have the best suite and penthouse rooms, some even have a private beach, on the other hand, there are some hotels which promise a lot, but fail big time because of their careless and weird tactics.

Many tourists enjoy this hotel fails as they find it funny, but many check out when the hotel, fails to give them what they want, never to return back. They just want their journey to be relaxing unless they’re camping out somewhere, but due to the careless fails of the hotel, they are left in a shocked state of confusion.

also, read This Relationship Fails Will Make You Glad That You Are Still Single

We bring you some tourists, sharing their funniest and shocked hotel fails ever.

1. What emergency will that be?

hotel fails shocked tourists


2. Lazy hotel staffs!

hotel fails shocked tourists


3. There are no downs in this hotel?

hotel fails shocked tourists


4. Wrong Plug!

hotel fails shocked tourists


5. That’s minuscule, where’s the gym?

hotel fails shocked tourists


6. Need to check in here, with a lot of stamina.

hotel fails shocked tourists


7. Better to wait and get back home.

hotel fails shocked tourists


8. Is this ashtray for people who don’t smoke?

hotel fails shocked tourists


9. Please come here, with your house phone.

hotel fails shocked tourists



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