15 Mortifying Celebrity Fails That Happened On Stage


Every person who is a celebrity has to be very careful about his on stage presence. A celebrity must make sure that he does not become a victim of any fails. However, sometimes due to carelessness that happens on stage or due to certain mistakes made by the crew while the celebrity is performing on stage, a celebrity may face some dreadful fails. And once all of it goes on the internet, there is nothing one can do to stop its spread.

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Here are some Mortifying Celebrity fails that happened on stage.

1. When Taylor Swift’s dress out of nowhere decided to expose her butt to the atmosphere surrounding her and make it hotter for people.

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2. When you have been single for a long time and you just want to kiss someone not giving a damn about where you are and what occasion it is. Drake seems to have had the best kiss of his life.

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3. You have to be incredibly blessed to make your fall look so good. Look at the ‘Silver Lining’ her dress has after kissing the ground. 

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4. This staged concert of Even Fergie should have had a proper toilet facility. 

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5. Every single person in the whole room thought that the cape Madonna was wearing would assist her in flying. But, alas, only superheroes should wear capes, indeed.

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6. When you have no friends so you decide to dip yourself into the cake all by yourself.

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7. Louie Spencer was just trying to get the bottom view for this next Engineering Drawing assignment.

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8. When Queen B wanted to cut your hair the unorthodox way. Beyonce got her hair stuck in a fan while performing in Montreal. But she continued to perform.  While she was performing, the security guards around her tried to free her hair.

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9. Sofia Vergara’s dress didn’t anticipate the squats and the hard work she did to get that perfect butt.

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10. I just hope she doesn’t get attacked by any wild animals while going back home.

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11.  Vanessa Anne Hudgens was just making how her jeans stays in rugged outdoor conditions. If they get torn off, she could just return them.

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12. When Ariana Grande got hit by her guardian angel. You just can’t trust anyone these days, not even your guardian angel.

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13. When Britney Spears’ fishnets couldn’t handle the tension anymore, just like her life.

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14. When Miley Cyrus got intimate with the Doppler Effect costumed guy.



15. When Ryan Gosling wanted everyone to just concentrate on his face. 




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