Mom Claims To Add Breast Milk In The Brownies For The School Bake Sale


A mother recently posted anonymously to a parenting group on Facebook to reveal something shocking. She claimed that she had used her breast milk in a batch of bake sale brownies at her children’s school.

mom uses breast milk in brownies


In the Facebook group called Sanctimommy, she posted that she needed “advice” after making brownies for a school bake sale that had her breast milk in them.

mom uses breast milk in brownies


Read More: 17 Times When Girls Got Owned On The Internet For Their Stupidity.

The post got a lot of attention and some people weren’t even shocked after seeing the post. It was screen-grabbed and shared by millions of people on Facebook.

“I made brownies for my school bake sale that had breast milk in them. I didn’t have time to run to the store, and didn’t think it was a big deal (some of those kids could use the nutrition, to be honest),” the post says. “One of the other moms found out and is blowing it way out of proportion. Idk what to do!” the post read.

mom uses breast milk in brownies


The post got more than 200 comments in just half an hour. The Facebook page Sanctimommy took a screenshot of the post and reposted it to their page. Now we will be suspicious of all bake sale brownies forever.

It’s not the breast milk that bothers us so much. It’s what the reaction and comments of other moms on the post shocked us. It was like our whole childhood had been acquainted with such things.

mom uses breast milk in brownies


Some of the reactions of people were!

“Oh, my gosh, YES, the only way I can get my kids to drink breast milk is by slipping it into baked goods, breakfast cereal, etc. They’re in their 20s, so they’re not as receptive to latching on anymore, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to deprive them of Mommy’s precious nutrients.”

“It’s like that one time I made lemonade with my urine because I ran out of the water and didn’t feel like going to the store to get more. I only drink Perrier so they were getting, like, the best urine ever. I don’t know why everyone was so mad about it.”

“Honestly this is actually a damn near criminal offense! Breast milk, like blood or semen, can carry diseases, which is why legit donation services screen the milk before passing it along to moms and their babies. Secretly feeding children that aren’t yours baked goods with your bodily fluids in them in gross, shady and borderline psychotic. Wait, not borderline, it’s full-blown psychotic.”

Some research and studies done by FDA show that it’s not safe to feed a kid breast milk of someone else other than their mother.  If feed without proper screening it can lead to “exposure to infectious diseases, including HIV, to chemical contaminants, such as some illegal drugs, and to a limited number of prescription drugs that might be in the human milk.”

mom uses breast milk in brownies



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