12 Legendary Pranks That Will Tickle Your Funny Bone


The entire Internet is stuffed with legendary pranks that fool people and put a smile on the face of viewers. There are a lot of pranks available on the internet that are intelligently designed to succeed. If you are more on the funny side, you would like to make fun of your loved ones with some legendary pranks.

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Here are 12 Legendary Pranks that will tickle your funny bone.

1. The person who wrapped this made sure that no one should be able to breach the security of his gift, not even the person it is intended to.

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2. The Lays Orange Juice and Toothpaste flavoured chips could definitely be one of the deadliest combos to be ever made on this planet.

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3. This is a very evil plan. Every time you sit on the seat of this commode, it will make a fart sound and will totally leave you dumbfounded. It may also scare you to a great extent.

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4. Imagine opening this at 3 am in the morning to grab a dish for your late night snack and seeing a live aquarium there. I would totally lose it for sure.

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5. This TV Show prank is gold. Keeping people in a suspense every week is so evil. People should then post on social media regarding the climax they thought was going to happen. It would really be a nice experience. 

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6. This prank is a live example of why you should not trust anyone. Yes, not even your family.

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7. That is literally a very cheesy plan. But, I really awful that the guy wasted so much of cheese for the sake of a prank. Cheese is life, at least for me.

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8. This prank is so far fetched. This prank must have required a planning of a few hours to completely design it. It is no less than a story of some movie. It will definitely emotionally traumatise his daughter.

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9. When you want others to play with your stuff but you suddenly remember what he did on 15th March, 2008.

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10. Unless you are Khaleesi of the Lego world, I would advise you to not take this deadly challenge.

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11. Some people just want to watch the whole world burn

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12. The legendary oreo prank

In this prank, you rub off and eat the vanilla cream of the oreo biscuit. Now, replace the vanilla cream with toothpaste. Can oreo pranks get worse than this?

Pranks Legendary



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