This Guy Decided To Fast For A Whole Week, And Here’s What Happened


People used to fast at least 3 times a week in old times either for cultural and religious reasons or involuntarily. But now it seems to have slowly worked itself back into our lives again, this time for health reasons. The advent of diets that incorporate intermittent fasting such as the ‘warrior’ diet or 5:2 diet has popularized semi-starvation in the western world once again.

But these days people are trying to fast and bring it back to life to stay healthy and fit. So this guy named Shen Comix, who also goes under the name of Owl Turd decided to fast for a whole week to see what happens. He decided to embark on this project because: “The first week of 2018, I decided I wasn’t going to eat anything, because, I dunno, that’s just what I decided for the first week of 2018.”

More info: Website | Twitter

Read More: 70-Year-Old Australian Lady Manages To Maintain Her Perfect Figure By Quitting A Single Food Product

This guy fasts for a whole week to see what happens and illustrates his experience in these funny comics. 

This Guy Decided To Fast For A Whole Week, And Here's What Happened

The caloric supplement he had for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that tasted ridiculous. 

This Guy Decided To Fast For A Whole Week, And Here's What Happened

Day 1

You need to have self-control. And what’s better than telling the one friend about it who always roasts you? At least you’ll now stick to your decision.

This Guy Decided To Fast For A Whole Week, And Here's What Happened

Day 2

All you can think about is food because obviously food is the priority!

This Guy Decided To Fast For A Whole Week, And Here's What Happened

Day 3

You sense of smell gets enhanced and all you can smell is food, everywhere.

This Guy Decided To Fast For A Whole Week, And Here's What Happened

Day 4

You can’t take it anymore. You start feeling the pain and the craving to have food.

This Guy Decided To Fast For A Whole Week, And Here's What Happened

Day 5

And all day you think about it while starving.

This Guy Decided To Fast For A Whole Week, And Here's What Happened

Day 6

And console yourself that you don’t need food and you’re not hungry.

Day 7

You feel like there’s nothing that can hold you back anymore. You are now free and stronger than before.

This Guy Decided To Fast For A Whole Week, And Here's What Happened

Day 8

The final day when you see food and eat like a pig!

This Guy Decided To Fast For A Whole Week, And Here's What Happened


This isn’t one of those fancy pants you see! Gweneth Paltrow style detox fasting programs that are fashionable amongst the alternative health crowd. His fasting programs are straight up, 7 days, no food.


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