15 Features On Everyday Products That You’re Not Using Right


Throughout your day, you use certain products as they fall into your everyday regime without giving much thought to it. But what if we told you, that you have been using these everyday products in the wrong way? Let us show you some of the examples of these everyday products which will make you go “Oh, I did not know that!”

#1 Did you notice the hole in on the pen cap before? I bet you have because a pen is an everyday product. But have you ever wondered why? Well, here is the reason why

The purpose of the hole is simple as it diminishes the risk of suffocation if, by any means, anyone swallows it.

15 Features On Everyday Products That You're Not Using Right
Image Source – ScienceAlert

#2 That is how you need to read the codes on the back of your make-up products

On most of the products, you will see numbers mentioned such as “6M,” “9M,” 12M,” etc. These simply tell you about the life of the product in months. If you read “24M” on the back of your product, that means the product’ss life is 24 months.

15 Features On Everyday Products That You're Not Using Right
Image Source – Wikipedia

#3 What is the meaning of that pointy bit on the cap of a medicine tube? Here’s what

The pointy bit is used to penetrate the foil covering which is there in most of the tubes.

15 Features On Everyday Products That You're Not Using Right
Image Source – Instagram

#4 Do you know the meaning of these colors near the seal ends?

The colors are nothing but eye marks which allow the users to recognize where they need to cut, fold or press the package.

15 Features On Everyday Products That You're Not Using Right
Image Source – Steptohealth.com

#5 Why do our jeans have an extra small pocket? 

There is nothing technical behind the reason. You need to go back in time to understand it. Back in the days, the pocket was essential because this pocket was used to keep pocket watches by the Cowboys.

15 Features On Everyday Products That You're Not Using Right
Image source – Independent

#6 Speaking of pockets, why these studs?

The reason behind these studs which are intact on our jeans is to prevent the jean to tear down as these strengthen the jeans at their weakest point.

15 Features On Everyday Products That You're Not Using Right
Image Source – Getty Images

#7 What is the meaning of this “57” labeled at the middle of the Heinz bottle? 

The “57” mark is the soft spot of the Heinz bottle which lets the ketch-up out easily when you tap it with your palms. Therefore, you need to stop banging the bottle from the bottom.

15 Features On Everyday Products That You're Not Using Right
Image Source – Daily Mirror

#8 Have you been using the lid on the McDonald’s cup for only one use? Well, you have been doing it wrong.

Another everyday product you have been using wrong.

15 Features On Everyday Products That You're Not Using Right
Image Source – Twitter – @DexthGrip

#9 Do you know the reason behind rulers having holes in them? No, that is not for spinning your pencil. 

The real reason behind the holes is that you can hang up your ruler.

15 Features On Everyday Products That You're Not Using Right
Image Source – Ebay

#10 What are these two holes for? 

The holes are not only for ventilation but also for lacing the shoes tighter.

15 Features On Everyday Products That You're Not Using Right
Image Source – Neopress.in

#11 What’s up with the hollow sticks with holes in some suckers near the top?

The hollow sticks prevent children from choking to death if they accidentally swallow it, whereas the hole keeps your sucker in place.

15 Features On Everyday Products That You're Not Using Right
Image Source – Twitter – @AaronDavies1977

#12 What are these slotted patches on the backpacks? 

I am sure you have wondered what the patches stand for and what is the use of it. The simple use of it is to attach whatever you want for your bag. For example, you can attach the ax on it.

15 Features On Everyday Products That You're Not Using Right
Image Source – Hershel

#13 Have you ever noticed the plastic discs in the bottle caps? 

The reason behind is simple, it not only helps in preventing the bottle to leak but also prevents it from losing all the carbonation.

15 Features On Everyday Products That You're Not Using Right
Image Source – Photos-Public-Domain

#14 Ever wondered the reason behind the extra piece of cloth when you buy new clothes? Here’s the reason

These extra pieces of cloth help in testing the reaction of the fabric on different detergents.

15 Features On Everyday Products That You're Not Using Right
Image Source – YouTube – JERYKO

#15 And the last one, what are these raised bumps on your keyboard? Have you ever noticed them? I bet you have!

These are especially for the masters in touch typing. The fingers are the home row and F and J keys are the ones which give rest to your fingers.

15 Features On Everyday Products That You're Not Using Right
Image Source – theuijunkie.com


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