McDonald’s Australia Will Replace Plastic Cutlery With Wooden Utensils!

  1. McDonald’s declares initiatives to eliminate plastic cutlery.

McDonald’s has reported designs to eliminate plastic cutlery. In order to supplant it with wooden utensils at its outlets in Australia. The organization uncovered the news at a national plastics summit hosted by federal Environmental Minister Sussan Ley in Canberra on March 2. It intends to eliminate plastic cutlery before the end of 2020 out of an offer to decrease landfill garbage.


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2. McDonald’s Australia supply chain and sustainability director, Kylie Freeland released a statement.

She released a statement speaking of the initiative. She says,

“We’re committed to being an industry leader in sustainable practices. Ultimately using our scale for good to positively impact challenges facing the communities we operate in. By removing plastic straws and cutlery from McDonald’s restaurants. We are continuing to reduce our environmental footprint and will be removing more than 860 tonnes of plastic from our system.”


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3. McDonald’s conducted a three-month trial…

The declaration comes after McDonald’s led a three-month preliminary with wooden cutlery in nine outlets across New Zealand a year ago. McDonald’s reported it was eliminating the utilization of plastic straws in its outlets in the UK in June 2018, and the next year it rejected plastic covers from McFlurry packaging.


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4. Plastic enters Australian oceans at a rate of 130,000 tonnes a year!

In a joint proclamation, according to the New Zealand Herald, the Boomerang Alliance and the World Wide Fund Australia said plastic enters Australian seas at a pace of 130,000 tons every year. And with plastic reusing rates just coming to 9%, they expressed administrative and state governments must mediate where the market has failed.

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5. CEO of The Australian Council of Recycling, Peter Shmigel shares his thoughts.

He said,

“A summit that puts substance before stylistics is what we need to deal with the plastics problem. We need to get smarter with the plastic we do use. Especially ensuring its recyclability and that plastic products are made with lower-emissions. Which are domestically sourced recycled resin ASAP.”

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Ideally McDonald’s will turn out wooden utensils around the world in a continued effort to reduce plastic waste.

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