These Incredibly Amazing Iron Man Facts Will Leave You Wanting For More


Let us go back to 2007, just before the release of what helped in starting the Superhero movie trend. In 2008, Marvel presented the audience with Iron Man which exploded the box office with huge success. Diversifying the facts and figures of Superhero movies, this venture kicked off Marvel Cinematic Universe and thrust the career of Robert Downey Jr.

About a decade ago, no one could have imagined that an actor’s work would be so impactful on the audience and the box office. And the reason why we are saying this is because Marvel pays a huge amount to keep Downey onboard as Tony Stark aka Iron Man. Even for the comic book fans, Tony Stark had always been the most favorite character. Downey duly took the legacy forward and enraptured people with his performance.

Although, Iron Man hasn’t had a high-profile history as that of Batman, Wolverine or Superman but still he has managed to keep people’s interest from bouncing off. The reason could be his witty-smart mind or the ease with which he plays Tony Stark. Whatever it is, we love watching him on-screen.

So suit up for these 8 lesser known facts about Iron Man.


1. Steve Rogers Trained Him

Leseer known facts about Iron Man

We know how much the Iron Man armour means to the “billionaire playboy philanthropist” Tony Stark, and also that he’s just a normal man behind the iron suit. But don’t mistake him to be completely useless. Tony has made sure that he’s ready to tackle any such situation where the suit fails. He’s trained with a number of people over the years and has mended his combat skills. We saw in Iron Man 3 how he single-handedly fought the guards without his suit plastered on his chest. One of the most bickering training session though was with Steve Rogers. He trained him to fight alone.


2. The Iron Suit Can Lift Up To 100 Tons!

Leseer known facts about Iron Man

One of the most interesting facts is knowing that the Iron Suit worn by Stark empowers him to lift over 100 tons of weight. He can do that once the suit is fully powered. However, The Hulk is also capable of lifting 100 tons but only when the big-green-guy is calm enough. This eventually means that Stark alone can give a tough fight if Hulk remains calm enough to handle him. And even if Hulk becomes more irate, don’t worry, Stark has Hulkbuster to tackle him.


3. J.A.R.V.I.S Is Clever. Its Name’s Not!

Leseer known facts about Iron Man

There’s one thing always sticking around with Stark. And it is the artificial intelligence system that helps him in combat, handling the suit, maintaining his routine, assisting him to develop anything & everything and what not! It’s J.A.R.V.I.S, and sounds like it’s an acronym of something intelligent. But hey, it instead means “Just A Rather Very Intelligent System”. Oh!


4. Stark Once Rebooted His Brain

Leseer known facts about Iron Man

After the Civil War comic went out, fans started hating Iron Man and had already sided with Captain America. They thought Tony Stark as an antagonist who’s hunting the new Avengers team including fan favourites Spiderman and Bucky Barnes. To rectify this hatred, Marvel had Norman Osborn take over S.H.I.E.L.D which put Iron Man on run. In an attempt to stop the villains learning his secrets, Stark rebooted his brain and gave himself a significant brain damage.


5. Robert Downey Jr. Hates Iron Man

Leseer known facts about Iron Man

Not exactly though, but it is one such interesting facts that Robert Downey didn’t like the character’s value back in his younger age. It was 1981, when a 16-year old Robert Downey Jr received one-day suspension when he snatched a comic book from one of his classmates. He called him a “nerd” and tore the book to pieces in front of him. The book was an issue of Invincible Iron Man. This is one such strange coincidence where he didn’t know that one day he would be playing the character himself, with a legion of these “nerds” worshipping him.


6. No One Was Interested In Iron Man

Leseer known facts about Iron Man

Everyone knows how big a success Marvel enjoys from the Iron Man movies and the character himself. But a lesser people know the facts that the rights for this character had been passed around way too much. The rights had gone for development for around 16 years. It all started when Universal Studios got the rights and didn’t take much time to sell it to Fox. Fox didn’t do anything with the character either, and passed it to New Line Cinemas. Finally, Marvel got the rights back and brought Iron Man on the screen to enjoy massive success. I seriously feel pity for Universal Studios, Fox, and New Line Cinemas!


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