Are You An Unmarried Girl In Her Mid-Twenties? Get Ready To Hear These Words


Are you a girl in her mid-twenties and still unmarried? If yes, then get ready to hear these annoying words. But you have to stay firm because this time will definitely pass. All you need is strength and trust in yourself.

1. You’ve got a Masters in Finance, that’s great. But sweetheart, do you know how to cook?

unmarried girl mid-twenties


Of course not. And I don’t even care.

2. You should get overly dressed and attend all social events to be showcased in your full glory!

unmarried girl mid-twenties


Oh! So you want me to become a walking showpiece for people? No thank you. I’m a happy unmarried girl.

3. So, who’s telling you to get married right away? This is when you should invest your time in learning makeup, gift-wrapping and taking up dessert making courses.

unmarried girl mid-twenties


I think I would pass. I can rather spend that time doing more productive things like staying unmarried.

4. Sweetie, your prime focus in your mid-twenties should be maintaining a good figure and beautifying yourself before finding a husband!

unmarried girl mid-twenties


Yes obviously. Because beauty>intellect

5. But aren’t you interested in a profession like jewelry designing, baking, teaching or even better, charity for an NGO? It looks great on the marriage C.V!

unmarried girl mid-twenties


Is marriage C.V a thing now?

6. Quit your job! This is the age to get married and not slog at work.

unmarried girl mid-twenties


I’m quite happy and satisfied with my job and being an unmarried girl.

7. Remove all pictures with your guy friends and especially the revealing ones from Facebook right now. You have an image to maintain!

unmarried girl mid-twenties


Why do I have to change myself for people? If they can’t accept me for who I am then they definitely don’t deserve me.

8. Can’t wait for you to get married and leave the house. So I can take over your room!

unmarried girl mid-twenties


I’m going to stay unmarried my whole life to annoy the crap out of you.

9. If you don’t get married now, all the good guys will get taken.

unmarried girl mid-twenties


Oh, I’m sorry. I’m currently out of fucks to give.

10. No one will marry you once you’re 30, because guys like young and pretty girls.

unmarried girl mid-twenties


Well, good for them. I don’t care.

11. Tch, tch, tch! (Sympathetically) Haven’t you got anyone yet? Don’t worry, you’ll get someone soon. It’s all about destiny!

unmarried girl mid-twenties


I’m sure I’ll get someone. I don’t need your fake sympathy. Thank you!

12. Fuck what the elders say about getting married.. mid-twenties is the age to enjoy, experiment and have fun in life!

unmarried girl mid-twenties


Thank God! There are people who trust and support you regardless of what others say about you.


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