12 Photos Which Show That Pets Can Be Real Jerks At Times


If you have already adopted a pet and has been living with it since a long time, chances are, you love them like a family. Our pets are our best companions and they can cheer us up even in our worst day. With their goofy antics and their silly quirks, they can anytime put a smile on your face and that’s the best thing about them. On the other hand, there is a different side to pets as well. Sometimes, they can be real jerks and annoy you like nobody else.

Your favourite loveable pets can become real jerks in 1 second without you even knowing it. These are the 12 photos of pets who turned into real jerks.

1. This cat kept on destroying even after he was caught. What audacity!

pets can be real jerks


2. You can’t even explain to your dog that it is not a thing to play with. That innocent face however might have made the owner melt.

pets can be real jerks


3. When your cat thinks that the paper towels are something you bought for him to get comfy.

pets can be real jerks


4. Having a cat and a dog together is always trouble. In this case however, the cat definitely doesn’t like the dog at all. This act of pooing in the dog’s food clearly proves how big of real jerks can pets be.

pets can be real jerks


5. Dogs can be rude to their owners as well, just like this dog. He knocked off his owner to have a great sunbath for himself.

pets can be real jerks


6. This has the potential to turn anybody angry. Although it is adorable, but pets are not meant to spoil food, are they?

pets can be real jerks


7. “Orange spawn of Satan” is probably the most appropriate phrase which can be used for this cat.

pets can be real jerks


8. Your pets can annoy you anytime. Doesn’t seem quite pleasant when it comes to study time, though.

pets can be real jerks


9. Come on. You can have anything in the house but not the owner’s Halo top ice cream. That’s probably the owner’s only guilty pleasure.

pets can be real jerks


10. If you still think that these pets were not being real jerks, look at this one.

pets can be real jerks


11. This is a complete mess but thank God, this dog is cute. When your dog gives you such a look, I don’t think you can punish it in anyway.

pets can be real jerks


12. When you really want attention but your owner is invested in a really good TV show. In such a case, that’s the spot you should choose to get some attention. Kudos, cat!

pets can be real jerks



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