Fiona The Baby Hippo Photobombs Couple’s Engagement Pictures And Makes It More Memorable


How would you react if a baby hippo photobombs your engagement pictures? Seems unlikely, right? But this is exactly what happened with Hayley Roll and her boyfriend, Nick Kelble. The little hippo in question has always been a superstar. She became famous when she managed to survive after being born 6 weeks prior the estimated time. A dedicated medical team needs to be thanked for it. Fiona hit the headlines again when a couple’s engagement pictures went viral in which she photobombs the pair.

When Hayley asked someone to take the couple’s pictures and turned, her boyfriend was already on his knee with a ring. This seems so beautiful, right? But it got better when they went through the pictures and found out about the baby hippo photobombing them. Roll shared the pictures on Instagram saying, “We’re so happy Fiona could be there on our special day.”

Read More: This Photobomber Photobombs Stock Photos And It’s Absolutely Hilarious

Here are the couple’s engagement pictures in which Fiona the baby hippo photobombs

More info: Hayley Roll|Cincinnati Zoo

1. Meet Fiona, the baby hippo who photobombs couple’s engagement pictures.

Fiona The Baby Hippo Photobombs Couple’s Engagement Pictures And Makes It More Memorable

2. And here are Hayley Roll and Nick Kelble whose engagement pictures Fiona the baby hippo photobombs. 

Fiona The Baby Hippo Photobombs Couple’s Engagement Pictures And Makes It More Memorable

3. The couple’s picture with our little diva.

Fiona The Baby Hippo Photobombs Couple’s Engagement Pictures And Makes It More Memorable

4. And that’s how Fiona photobombs the couple’s engagement pictures. Also, how happy these two look.

Fiona The Baby Hippo Photobombs Couple’s Engagement Pictures And Makes It More Memorable

5. Here is the close look of the baby hippo.Fiona The Baby Hippo Photobombs Couple’s Engagement Pictures And Makes It More Memorable

6. The couple who have never thought that this unexpected guest would appear. Fiona The Baby Hippo Photobombs Couple’s Engagement Pictures And Makes It More Memorable

7. Isn’t she like super cute?

Fiona The Baby Hippo Photobombs Couple’s Engagement Pictures And Makes It More Memorable

And this is how everyone reacted. Just see the happiness for Fiona-

1. Everybody wants the same.

Fiona The Baby Hippo Photobombs Couple’s Engagement Pictures And Makes It More Memorable

2. Seems like the couple’s engagement pictures made someone jealous.

Fiona The Baby Hippo Photobombs Couple’s Engagement Pictures And Makes It More Memorable

3. The very words said by the cutie, perhaps. 

Fiona The Baby Hippo Photobombs Couple’s Engagement Pictures And Makes It More Memorable

4. This seems accurate to me though.

Fiona The Baby Hippo Photobombs Couple’s Engagement Pictures And Makes It More Memorable

5. A fair point being made here.

Fiona The Baby Hippo Photobombs Couple’s Engagement Pictures And Makes It More Memorable


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