12 Genetic Mutations In Humans That Have Extremely Dreadful Effects


A very few unlucky people in the world become a victim of some of the dreadul effects of genetic mutations which can indeed make a long-lasting impression.

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Here is a lost of extremely dreadful genetic mutations which have extremely deadly effects.

1. Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome

Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome is an extremely rare genetic condition that causes dramatic acceleration in ageing in the beginning of childhood. Children who are affected by this syndrome look normal at birth and early infancy. However, as they begin to grow, they do not gain weight at the expected rate. If Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome is not detected within the first two years of a child’s life, then there is no cure for the disease. Patients also experience severe hardening of arteries in the beginning of childhood.

Genetic Mutations Dreadful Effects



2. Hypertrichosis

Hypertrichosis causes an extreme growth of hair all over the body. Even the face of the affected person is completely covered with hair. It is very dreadful and is one of the rarest genetic mutations. It happens to only one out of one billion people. Sometimes, it is also referred to as “Werewolf syndrome”.

Genetic Mutations Dreadful Effects



3. Ectrodactyly

Ectrodactyly is commonly known as “Lobster claw hand” it is one of the genetic mutations of hand and feet. Its effects can be seen by the oddly shaped hands and feet which resemble the shape of a lobster claw.

Genetic Mutations Dreadful Effects



4. Treacher Collin Syndrome

Treacher Collin Syndrome adversely affects the growth of bones especially characterized by deformities of the ears, eyes, cheekbones, and chin.

Genetic Mutations Dreadful Effects



5. Trimethylaminuria (Fish odor syndrome).

It is a dreadful disease caused because of genetic mutations which can cause your body to smell of dead or rotten fish. It is generally present from birth.

Genetic Mutations Dreadful Effects



6. Proteus Syndrome

Proteus Syndrome is an extremely rare medical condition caused due to genetic mutations which is characterized by extreme overgrowth of bones and tissues. It can cause your legs to balloon up and become much bigger as compared to the rest of your body.

Genetic Mutations Dreadful Effects



7. Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disorder

Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disorder has adverse effects on child’s immune system and puts them at a high risk for infections.

Genetic Mutations Dreadful Effects



8. Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis

A person suffering from Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis cannot fight off the virus HPV.

Genetic Mutations Dreadful Effects



9. Polydactyly

It is a relatively common form of genetic mutations and is generally not accompanied by any dreadful effects. A person suffering from Polydactyly may develop more than five fingers or toes.

Genetic Mutations Dreadful Effects



10. Giant congenital Melanocytic

Though it looks like an excessive growth of hair on the body, its effects are quite dreadful. A person suffering from Giant congenital Melanocytic may have benign tumors from faulty pigment cells.

Genetic Mutations Dreadful Effects



11. Lesch–Nyhan Syndrome

Lesch–Nyhan Syndrome causes overproduction of uric acid in affected person’s body.

Genetic Mutations Dreadful Effects



12. Marfan Syndrome

Marfan Syndrome causes bones to overgrow create loose points.

Genetic Mutations Dreadful Effects




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