Woman Having Alopecia Becomes A Model And Proves Even Bald Is Beautiful!


Therese Hansson a model from Malmo, Sweden, is breaking all the stereotypes by getting a modeling job. This Swedish model developed an autoimmune disease- Alopecia in her childhood that nearly derailed her dreams of becoming a model. It’s a disease that causes hair loss and sometimes makes people go bald. After dealing with it for years she finally learned to accept herself the way she is. She wants to be an inspiration for other girls who may be struggling with alopecia, or a similar condition. Both her struggles and her journey are as captivating as her beauty.

Woman Having Alopecia Becomes A Model And Proves Even Bald Is Beautiful!

More info: Instagram

This beautiful woman was keeping her deep secret from the world for all these years because she was insecure about herself. We should accept ourselves the way we are and she finally understood it.

Woman Having Alopecia Becomes A Model And Proves Even Bald Is Beautiful!

This 26-year-old model suffered from a disease called alopecia. Alopecia is an autoimmune disease, which causes a person’s immune system to attack hair follicles, leading to hair loss. But when Therese was 14 and saw her hair falling out, she thought she had cancer. She didn’t have any idea that the hair loss was caused due to chemotherapy and not cancer.

Woman Having Alopecia Becomes A Model And Proves Even Bald Is Beautiful!

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Imagine when you try to put your hair in a ponytail and you see lots of hair falling. That’s a terrifying sight for a girl. But she didn’t lose hope and she decided to hide her secret from the world.

Woman Having Alopecia Becomes A Model And Proves Even Bald Is Beautiful!

As there is no cure for alopecia, she started wearing a wig and no one except her family and friends knew about it. But now this woman isn’t afraid to face the world with or without a wig and isn’t she had learned to accept her condition.

Woman Having Alopecia Becomes A Model And Proves Even Bald Is Beautiful!

Now even if she goes out she shows off her bald head just as proudly and no more wears a wig. Therese is now a bald model and shows it off confidently. We love her attitude and positivity towards her not so perfect life and body.

Woman Having Alopecia Becomes A Model And Proves Even Bald Is Beautiful!

She confessed that she wasn’t confident enough at the beginning but now she has learned to love herself and accept herself the way she is. The only regret Therese has in life is not having realized that it was okay to go out into the world with her alopecia.

Woman Having Alopecia Becomes A Model And Proves Even Bald Is Beautiful!

This grown-up woman would have never let the world know about her secret if her friend hadn’t pushed her to reveal her bald head. She would not have been working for GC Management, a modeling agency.

Woman Having Alopecia Becomes A Model And Proves Even Bald Is Beautiful!

She says if she could go back in time, she’d tell her younger self not to hide because it only makes you feel insecure and worse. “A big stone of relief will leave your body if you can just be yourself,” Therese added.

Woman Having Alopecia Becomes A Model And Proves Even Bald Is Beautiful!

For her taking her wig out was a liberal experience both personally and professionally. She had her friend by her side when she decided to do it. Her friend was also going bald, but they decided to go out in a town where no one knew them.


Her friend showed her a blogger who looked great with a bald head.  Eventually, Therese reached out to this woman and they’re now friends. But Amber Rose also inspired her, the one who shaves her head and looks amazing.

By accepting her condition, Therese found a way to magnify her beauty tenfold. Others will likely follow in her footsteps after seeing this beautiful young lady expose her true self with confidence. And after all, she is a model who proved that baldly is beautiful.


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