Why Readers Are The Best People To Fall In Love With


Most readers are true lovers and will never leave their partner for stupid reasons. They understand the world in a more distinctive pattern and can play with words that will do magic to your heart! Readers are scientifically the best people to fall in love with.

They Don’t Just Get You… They Understand You

Why Readers Are The Best People To Fall In Love With


You should only fall in love with someone who can see your soul. It should be someone who has reached inside you and holds those innermost parts of you no one could find before. It should be someone who doesn’t just know you, but wholly and completely understands you.

Why Readers Are The Best People To Fall In Love With


What great writers do is to turn you into the writer. In literary fiction, the incompleteness of the characters turns your mind to trying to understand the minds of others.

Why Readers Are The Best People To Fall In Love With


This is proved over and over again, the more people take to reading. Their ability to connect with characters they haven’t met makes their understanding of the people around them much easier.

Why Readers Are The Best People To Fall In Love With


They have the capacity for empathy. They may not always agree with you, but they will try to see things from your point of view.

They’re Not Just Smart… They’re Wise

Why Readers Are The Best People To Fall In Love With


Being overly smart is obnoxious, being wise is a turn on. There’s something irresistible about someone you can learn from. The need for banter and witty conversation is more imperative than you may believe, and falling in love with a reader will enhance not just the conversation, but the level of it.

Why Readers Are The Best People To Fall In Love With


Readers are more intelligent, due to their increased vocabulary and memory skills, along with their ability to spot patterns. They have higher cognitive functions than the average non-reader and can communicate more thoroughly and effectively.

Why Readers Are The Best People To Fall In Love With


Finding someone who reads is like dating a thousand souls. It’s gaining the experience they’ve gained from everything they’ve ever read and the wisdom that comes with those experiences. It’s like dating a professor, a romantic and an explorer.

If you date someone who reads, then you, too, will live a thousand different lives.

Also read: Real People Recreate 10 Steamy Romance Novel Covers And It’s Simply Hilarious

They Won’t Talk To You… They’ll Speak To You

Why Readers Are The Best People To Fall In Love With


They will write you letters and texts in verse. They are verbose, but not in an obnoxious way. They do not merely answer questions and give statements but counter with deep thoughts and profound theories. They will enrapture you with their knowledge of words and ideas.

Why Readers Are The Best People To Fall In Love With


According to the study, “What Reading Does For The Mind” by Anne E. Cunningham of the University of California, Berkeley, reading provides a vocabulary lesson that children could never attain by schooling.

Why Readers Are The Best People To Fall In Love With


According to Cunningham, “the bulk of vocabulary growth during a child’s lifetime occurs indirectly through language exposure rather than through direct teaching.”

Do yourself a favor and date someone who really knows how to use their tongue.


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