Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like


Everybody loves to hear love stories – Smooth beginning, cozy display of events, little cute tussles, and always lots and lots of love poured in with every action. Soso and Haru are two characters in the illustrations created by Young Joo Kim who is living their love story. The illustrations of the Korean artist is usually monochrome with only a pinch of pink or red in them. The series of the Korean artist illustrations depict the everyday life of a couple. Sometimes exciting, sometimes mundane but always revealing a beautiful bond between two people.

More info: Instagram | grafolio.com

Read More: 17 Heartwarming Comics Prove That Love Is Always In The Details

 1.When you are falling for someone more and more each day all you can see is forever with them. 

Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like

2.It’s always lovely to travel with your partner to distant places. The feeling of having just you and her tends to bumble butterflies in your stomach.

Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like

3.With just a tint of pink, see how beautifully the artist has shown us the true meaning of love. How carefree do these two look when together?

Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like

4.Have you ever been in love? Just the thought of having her makes you go crazy with happiness. That’s what falling in love feels like. 

Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like

5.Some of the most clichéd yet interesting love stories include hand in hand walking under the same umbrella. Just thinking about the scenario can make you feel the magic of love.

Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like

6.Soso and Haru are really cute characters made by the Korean artist. The artist has beautifully depicted their love story just through paintings.

Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like

7.What a lovely scene would it be to be sitting under a cherry blossom tree in the season of autumn, and talking!

Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like

 8.Well, the autumn has passed and it’s the time of winter. The only way you can feel warm is by holding your hand in theirs and walking quietly by a lonely road, talking about all the beautiful memories you have had with them.

Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like

9.If you have ever been in love, you must have felt the presence of your beloved in your dreams. This feeling has been beautifully depicted by the Korean artist.

Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like

10.When you keep falling for the same person more and more each day even the simplest things like sitting under the stars in the same blanket feels magical. 

Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like

11.It’s so beautiful how he is consoling her.

Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like (DRAFT)

12.It’s the beautiful autumn time and the blossom is in full swing.

Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like (DRAFT)

13.Just look at how they are comfortable in each other’s arms enjoying the beauty of the night full of stars.

Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like (DRAFT)

14.The beauty lies in the simple things that we do.

Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like (DRAFT)

15.Look at how Soso is caressing Haru when she is feeling cold.

Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like (DRAFT)

16.Even riding a bicycle together is fun. 

Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like (DRAFT)

17.What a beautiful full moon day to enjoy the beauty of the night studded with stars.

Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like (DRAFT)

18.Playing Guitar for her and making her feel special. 

Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like (DRAFT)

19.With just a little touch, the artist has brought life to this image.

Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like (DRAFT)

20.Swing can be the most romantic place when it comes to kissing your partner. Korean Artist Shows What What Falling In Love More And More Each Day Seems Like (DRAFT)


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