A Photographer Beautifully Captured All The Animals Who Are About To Be Extinct Soon


It is really disheartening how our future generation will never be able to see this rare species. Although, British photographer, Tim Flach, spent 2 years going to each habitat and capturing them in their act. He named the project, Endangered. It provides a very close and rear view into all the amazing lives on our planet and how we should be afraid to lose them instead of ignoring them.

Some species you are acquainted with and some you are not. Probably soon you will never have a chance to even see them. It is heart-wrenching to think that they are considered less worthy of life than any of us.

Image Source: Facebook

1. Saiga

Photographer clicked photos of endangered animals

It just looks so innocent and as if it is looking directly into your soul.

2. Polar bear

Photographer clicked photos of endangered animals

The cutest of all the animals. Can’t believe it is an endangered species now.

3. Philippine Eagle

Photographer clicked photos of endangered animals

The photographer captured it in its best act. Never did an eagle look so fierce and determined.

4. Hyacinth Macaw

Photographer clicked photos of endangered animals

Hyacinth is actually a flower of the same colour as the bird.

5. African elephant

Photographer clicked photos of endangered animals

Can we just take a moment and appreciate those lashes? African elephants have become very less in number. Hence they need to be saved and multiplied.

6. Iberian Lynx

Photographer clicked photos of endangered animals

Does it look like a cat, a tiger, or a lion? Well, I guess the mixture of all. And that’s the beauty of Lynx.

7. Snow Leopard

The white leopard is very rare to see. The stunning appearance is a great attraction for hunters.

8. White Bellied Pangolin

Photographer clicked photos of endangered animals

They have shells like snakes on the top and white belly on the bottom part of the body.

9. Ploughshare Tortoise

Photographer clicked photos of endangered animals

My question is how do they have numbers on their back? The photographer has done a really good job.

10. Fireflies

Photographer clicked photos of endangered animals

We have so many childhood memories with fireflies. They look like enchanted creatures shining on a dark night.


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