A Women Flyer Mistook Emergency Door Instead Of Toilet Door


A plane in Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) flight, has delayed for 7 hours. A lady passenger is a reason behind the delay of the trip. This incident is happened in the PIA flight, PK 702, from Manchester to Islamabad. The lady passenger opened the exit door of the aircraft, thinking it was the toilet.

The airport authorities said that the plane was on the runway Manchester airport early Saturday when the woman pressed the emergency exit button door.

As per the operating rules, about 40 passengers along with their luggage were offloaded from the flight, and the trip got delayed on Friday night. The passengers are provided with transport and hotel accommodation and later adjusted on other flights.

Pakistan International Airlines chief executive Air Marshal Arshad Malik ordered an inquiry into the incident.





A Twitter user wrote: “@Official_PIA pathetic service from PIA. I am one of the 38 passengers who voluntarily offloaded from PK702 so it can fly to Islamabad only on the condition that all 38 of us will get our luggage.

“First you did not give it to us in Manchester [and said] that it’s going to take time, so don’t worry it will be taken to Pakistan on your next flight.

“Then when we reached here today we were told half of our luggage is still at Manchester airport. We have suffered a lot.”




Emergency Door


PIA explained the passengers on the twitter “We regret the delay of PK771, which is an unfortunate consequence of the postponement of PK702, caused due to a passenger opening the emergency door.

“We strongly urge passengers to follow security instructions as such mishaps result in inconvenience of hundreds of other passengers.”

A PIA spokesperson told the Express Tribune: “The plane was parked on the runway when the airbag chute opened, so there was no threat of any kind.”

Emergency Door


Emergency Door


Emergency Door



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