30 Passive Aggressive Tweets That Will Sum Up Your Married Life


Marriage is the unity of two individuals who decide to spend the rest of their lives together.  The undying affection and attention of another human being for a lifetime. It’s all vanilla and ice. Right? But, there are some issues that every married couple faces over the course of their married life.  Some end up in court, some in jail, while some of them use Twitter to voice out their opinions using a bit passive aggressive tweets. It’s not just about the husband and the wife. A marriage is about your kids, your in-laws, your neighbours, the President, the grocery store attendant and every little thing that is involved in a couple’s life.

Here’s a list of some passive aggressive tweets that would definitely set you in the right mood and also prepare you for what to expect from your married life that was penned down in heaven as they say.

1. Marlebean tells you what to do with your man-children.

aggressive tweets about married life


2. Momma Unfiltered shares the secret to getting your children into Harvard.

aggressive tweets about married life


3. Bob Kostic explains how you should live each day as your last.

aggressive tweets about married life


4. Dan Mentos gets into the thanksgiving spirit.

aggressive tweets about married life


5. Housy Wife apologises on all wives’ behalf.

aggressive tweets about married life


6. Daddy Jew is a proud dad.

aggressive tweets about married life



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