Artist Uses Paper Clips And Drawings To Illustrate Mental Illness


Paper Clips are a very simple innovation. It is just a twisted metal but it can keep things together (not permanently though, but still). Eisen Bernard Bernardo, a Vietnamese artist suffered some depression and what he did was amazing. He illustrated different types of stages in depression. To illustrate mental illness he didn’t even have to do much, just place them and form a meaning from that. According to him, it symbolizes life more because it has a starting point and an endpoint. There is also a direction of movement that can depict how people live their lives. Can be from outside going in, or being in touch with what is inside and slowly discovering the world outside.

Let’s take a look at those illustrations by Paper Clips and drawings by Eisen Bernard Bernardo below:

1. Anxiety.

Artist Uses Paper Clips And Drawings To Illustrate Mental Illness


You might have understood this but just in case if you haven’t; Anxiety means a crowded head and so this just makes it more understandable.

2. Depression.

Artist Uses Paper Clips And Drawings To Illustrate Mental Illness


So accurate, it’s like you’re alone in the world… Many people struggle with it daily, and this is the perfect way to illustrate it.

3. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

Artist Uses Paper Clips And Drawings To Illustrate Mental Illness


All OCD patients are not obsessed with organizing things. Their obsessions can be towards something else, for example collecting something. For example, some hoarders are OCD patients. But I understand that it is difficult to express the diversity of OCD with just one simple art picture. This can’t be classified as complete serious a mental illness but it still is something to be considered.

4. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Artist Uses Paper Clips And Drawings To Illustrate Mental Illness


This is shape-shifting and kinda broken soul so you know what post-traumatic stress disorder does to a person.

5. Bipolar Disorder.

Artist Uses Paper Clips And Drawings To Illustrate Mental Illness


This reflects the duality of my sense of self…literally two different people depending on where I am on the roller coaster. This is some of the deadly disasters that could happen to someone.

6. Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Artist Uses Paper Clips And Drawings To Illustrate Mental Illness


This one speaks to me. The one normal paper clip surrounded by the stranger ones on all sides: it’s like the strange ideas talking to the one in the middle.

7. Eating Disorder.

Artist Uses Paper Clips And Drawings To Illustrate Mental Illness


I really like these. This one could also be hundreds of paper clips, or rusty ones (which would represent most people’s horrible diets).

8. Substance Abuse.

Artist Uses Paper Clips And Drawings To Illustrate Mental Illness


It’s like the paper clips are drugs, and they’re coming out of a container of drugs. The artist really made it a lot relatable.

9. Insomnia.

Artist Uses Paper Clips And Drawings To Illustrate Mental Illness


There are two kinds of insomnia. One is where you can’t fall asleep but it’s not directly linked to any other health issue. The other is where a health condition, pain, medication, or substance abuse is involved.

10. Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder.

Artist Uses Paper Clips And Drawings To Illustrate Mental Illness


This disorder affects children. They will go up to and talk to, strangers, but they don’t see the potential danger. The artist did a lot of hard work for this.

11.  Social Anxiety Disorder.

Artist Uses Paper Clips And Drawings To Illustrate Mental Illness


This is one type of anxiety disorder where the person has an irrational fear of being in social situations. They can become self-conscious and fearful of being watched, judged, or criticized.

12. Schizophrenia.

Artist Uses Paper Clips And Drawings To Illustrate Mental Illness


People with schizophrenia may hear voices that tell them what to do and they may feel they are controlled by the voices or being plotted against by them. Those with schizophrenia may say or do things that they wouldn’t normally do. This is the worst disorder of all, I guess.

These illustrations by artist, Eisen Bernard Bernardo are a real gem for those who have been through any of the mental illness or been through any disorder.

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