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Artist From Portugal Imagines What Famous Art Icons Would Look Like...

From Vincent Van Gough to Frida Kalho through Salvador Dali, Publo Picaso and scores of other famous painters, each of them has given a...

This Artist Has Created Unreal Illustrations Of A Look Inside Our...

Our life is peppered with events, ideas, unrealized desires, latent creativity, sadness, happiness and many more. A look inside our lives can come up...

These Comics On The Heart And Brain Banter Will Warm Your...

The heart versus brain banter is a never ending one in human life. If the heart desires something, the brain says no to it....

Single Dad Illustrates What It’s Like To Raise A Child From...

Raising a child is really hard no matter how good the child is. Both the parents have to put in all the times of...

New Mom’s Adorable Comics On The Unexpected Sides Of Parenthood Will...

The toddler and baby years of children are a kind of struggle for their parents, especially mothers. Whether it is about understanding the hunger...

Artist Draws Comics About Life That Is Full Of Awkward Little...

Life isn't a bed of roses, we all know that, don't we? Well, there are always going to be those awkward little moments that...

Artist Imagines What Disney Princesses Would Look Like as Teenagers

Fairy tales have kept us wondering all our lives and made us feel amazing. It was our childhood and those are the stories no...

Comics Showing What Love Looks Like Before and After 30

Love is something that doesn't age and doesn't get old. It's always fresh as new in any situations, what changes is feelings and the...

These Thought Provoking Illustrations By John Holcroft Show Us What’s Wrong...

Almost everybody is aware of the things that are plaguing us in the modern society, yet either we don’t have the willpower to urge...

These Poignant Illustrations Will Show You The Harsh Reality Of Today’s...

This modern world has given us many facilities that surely has made our lives really easy. But, is this modernization without any ill effects?...

Having A Bad Day? These Relatable Comics Will Surely Make Your...

What do you do when you are having a bad day? Watch funny clips or cute puppies videos? Well, we all have different ways...