Biggest Unsolved Mysteries Of The Universe That You Don’t Know About!


Ever wondered about science and everything it has discovered and all the mysteries it has solved? Science has developed almost every important tech and discovered the impossible things on the planet but there are some mysteries in the universe that they haven’t been able to solve yet.

Some include theories and some matters from the universe and some from the earth. These mysteries even after great research and sources can not be solved yet. Some mysteries are as ancient as humanity, yet our interest with them is like as of new and remain timeless because they still have not been solved.

Let’s take a look at these unsolved mysteries from all around the universe:

1. Bermuda Triangle.



This region is located in the western half of the North Atlantic Ocean also referred to as the “Devil’s Triangle”. Scientists have named it by some science factors or human error but there is no way that anything they proposed is possible. During the last 100 years around 1000 lives were lost due to the Bermuda Triangle.

2. The Taos HUM



In the 1950s, some residents of Taos and a few of the surrounding cities of Mexico, complained of a low frequency ‘humming’ sound. There were many explanations given to the source of the sound but there was nothing that seemed like the way it really was.

3. The Dancing Death.



Strasbourg (France), 1518, a woman danced incessantly for days on end. She was eventually joined by around 400 others. They danced for a whole month until many of them died due to stroke or just plain exhaustion. The reason for this was never found out.

4. Placebo Effect



It states that fake medicine can cure you if you think it can and even real medicine can’t if you don’t think like that. This is a kind of human behavior that even I believe. When we fool little kids to eat something they hate which tastes so god to them even without them knowing it’s the exact same thing they hate. It’s all in the mind actually. 


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