12 Body Parts That You Can Actually Live Without


No. They are neither your eyes, ears, nose, hands or legs. But there certainly are some body parts that you can still manage to live without. Some of them served a purpose in only your childhood, and some are just the leftovers of evolution. However, these body parts do serve a purpose, but the truth is we don’t need them anymore. Their removal from your body won’t make an impact on your usual doings.

But what are they? Let’s find out!

1. Wisdom tooth

12 Body Parts That You Can Actually Live Without


Wisdom teeth were once a crucial part of the human body, but not anymore. Many people have them removed because they cause pain and also results in migraines. Some people today, are even born without them. Now that’s smartness, evolution!

2. Appendix

12 Body Parts That You Can Actually Live Without


A number of theories suggest that we don’t need an appendix to digest the high intake of cellulose. This is because we cook our food, instead of eating raw plants or vegetables, which makes the nutrients readily available to the body. So, it’s one of those extra body parts, eating up your space!

3. Gallbladder

12 Body Parts That You Can Actually Live Without


It is a pouch like organ which is used to store the bile juice secreted by the liver and then further release it slowly to the digestive tract. Gallbladder can cause problems like cancer and inflammation. People who have them removed, don’t feel much of a change.

4. Preauricular Sinus

12 Body Parts That You Can Actually Live Without


This is a small hole near the ear, where our ancestors were supposed to had gills. They have no function, rather than infecting your ear.

5. Plantaris Muscle

12 Body Parts That You Can Actually Live Without


This is a muscle in the foot which would’ve been helpful if you have a habit of grasping things with your foot. Otherwise, nah! It is useless.

6. Pica Semilunaris

12 Body Parts That You Can Actually Live Without


Tiny fold around the corners of your eyes is what Pica Semilunaris is. Still found in birds, reptiles, this third eyelid does nothing.

7. Tonsils

12 Body Parts That You Can Actually Live Without


They perform the task of filtering out the viruses and bacteria. Yet they are not important. Why? Because they are prone to infection, and are highly likely to cause health troubles.

8. Cervical Ribs

12 Body Parts That You Can Actually Live Without


These bones occur above the collarbones, and are only present in some of the human beings. While they are of no use, having them may account for neck pain in some people.

9. Tailbone

12 Body Parts That You Can Actually Live Without


At the end of our spine, there exists a group of fused vertebrae which is called as tailbone. It is what left of our tails since we learned to walk upright. Tailbone is also called Coccyx.

10. Pinky Toe

12 Body Parts That You Can Actually Live Without


We humans don’t really need the fifth toe for helping us in standing straight. It is just present their to have a ride!

11. Jacobson’s organ

12 Body Parts That You Can Actually Live Without


There’s an organ present in our body, which is completely useless. Jacobson’s organ is present in the olfactory system, and is used to detect pheromones. But, who cares as long as you can live without it.

12. Darwin’s Point

12 Body Parts That You Can Actually Live Without


A few people have an extra set of skin folded inside, at the top of the ear. It was a remnant of how our ear would’ve been designed for surviving differently but anyway, you can live without it.

Read: 12 Most Terrifying Mental Disorders You Should Be Aware Of. 


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