10 Cancer Survival Stories That Will Give Everyone A Ray Of Hope


As science and technology are advancing, cancer is becoming conquerable. There is always a hope. Here, I have come up with 10 different cancer survival stories. These survival stories show how being strong and having the faith in yourself can help one conquer cancer. 


Read further to know the survival stories of people from different people from across the world who fought cancer.


1. Amanda Dobbs.

The  30-year-old mom raising two small children was diagnosed with breast cancer. She found a last-minute babysitter for her kids and headed in for surgery. On November 11, 1966, Foltz’s right breast was removed, and she started to what is now a 50-year-long path surviving cancer. She also looks back over her life and her 5 decades of survivorship with a deep sense of gratitude. “God gave me these 50 years to see my children grow and become wonderful adults and be very successful,” she says. “What more can you ask for?”


2. Elisa Shea. 

Of all the survival stories, this is worth salutation. Elisa says – ”My name is Elisa Shea, and I am a 23-year cancer survivor.  In 1985, I was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma, a rare type of bone cancer. My treatment was typical of most childhood cancer patients.  It included 18 months of chemotherapy, six weeks of radiation and three surgeries. When I turned 18, I was told that I no longer needed to continue these check-ups. This was great news!  Like many other cancer survivors, I heard this and thought I was finally done dealing with the disease.  I was just so happy that I no longer had to go back to the hospital where I was treated.”


3. Rod Echols.

Rod says – ”After noticing some blood in my stools, I was diagnosed with haemorrhoids by my local physician. I have a family history of colon cancer, and this problem made me wonder if I might be suffering from the same disease. I followed my instinct and scheduled a colonoscopy, which revealed a polyp that was positive for cancer. I was referred to a local surgeon in Atlanta. This surgeon tried to remove the polyp with minimally invasive surgery, but during the procedure, the surgeon noticed that the cancer was deeper than previously suspected. After surgery, my treatment has consisted of chemotherapy and radiation. ”Keisha” has been my caregiver while I’ve been going through cancer treatment. I’m very grateful that Keisha has been there for me through all this. We’ve been married for six years and I am looking forward to decades together. My son is starting to play sports now and I’m able to attend all his events. I feel well and I keep a positive mindset about my future health.” These survival stories are being shared for you to be strong.



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