12 Common Traits Of Cheaters Generally Found Among The People


Not all relationships have a happy ending. Most of the relationships die because of one of the partners cheating. This horde of cheaters have some common traits between them. Some signs are pretty obvious like the lipstick mark, absurd perfumes, etc.

However, here are some more traits about cheaters which though common are generally overlooked.

  1. They have narcissistic tendencies.

They are generally self-centered and have no empathy. They are selfish greedy and often think only about themselves. Generally, people don’t cheat because they are afraid of the guilt, unlike a narcissistic person who is bereft of the guilt.

Common Traits of Cheaters



2. They are over flirtatious.

Not all cheaters are flirts but most cheaters tend to display overly flirtatious behaviour sometimes. At times they will also flirt in front of you if it is not a big deal.

Common traits of cheaters



3. Their thrill-seeking nature

Cheaters generally have a thrill-seeking nature. They tend to hook up regularly while being in a committed relationship more than once. When caught, they may pretend to make things right but go back to their original nature soon after.

Common Traits of Cheaters



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