12 Cool Things That You Can Do With Paper Clips


Paper clips are among the few things that can be found in almost every office drawer. Just like a lot of things in there, they aren’t very interesting. However, they can be pretty exciting if you decide to play around with them.

Here are 12 Cool Things that you can do with Paper Clips

1. You can use paper clips to hold together a loose hem.

If you are at your office or school and you realize that the edge of your shirt is not sewn properly, just find a paper clip. It will temporarily secure your shirt.

things paper clips



2. Create a stand for your smartphone

How often do you get bored of holding the phone in your hand? Well, you can use paper clips to keep your phone upright. This may also come in handy if you are seeing a recipe video and cooking simultaneously.


3. Find the end of the tape

A lot of times, we get frustrated when we can’t find the end of a tape and something needs to be secured urgently. You can easily overcome this problem by stick a paper clip at the end of your tape after opening it.

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4. Unclog or open your glue bottle

Instead of a needle, the next time you need to open your glue bottle or something similar, use paper clips. They are a lot safer too.

things paper clips



5. Fix a zipper which is broken

In case you break your zipper and there’s no way you can get it fixed, use a paper clip in place of it.

things paper clips



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