Daily Food Items That Might Kill You Without You Being Aware


Humans nowadays are very particular about what and how they eat. They prepare diet charts, choose the food accordingly, and hate compromising with their health. But after all, this, how about if there still exists certain food items that can kill you?

They do exist yes. And what strike with awe is that these are everyday food items which we consume on a daily basis. From tomatoes to mushrooms, all these could be dangerous if not consumed wisely. Even for all non-veggies out there, eating live octopus or wrongly cooked chicken might cost you your life.

Here are 14 food items that have the dexterity to kill you.


1. Mushrooms

Daily Food Items That Might Kill You

It is a well-known fact that not all mushrooms are succulent. Though cremini mushrooms can be considered a good choice for pasta toppings, there still are certain species which are poisonous and once eaten, have a high chance of killing you.


2. Cassava Root

Daily Food Items That Might Kill You

A popular dish in South America, Cassava root contains linamarin in its raw form. Intake of the said constituent could be dangerous. However proper baking, roasting and a bunch of other processes make the vegetable harmless.


3. Octopus

Daily Food Items That Might Kill You

People who enjoy eating live octopus needs to be well alarmed with the fact that it could be dangerous. The tentacle-bearing creatures can get stuck in your throat, choking you to death.


4. Ackee

Daily Food Items That Might Kill You

The United States has banned the selling of unripened Ackee. The pear-shaped fruit, if eaten too early, has the potential to literally kill you.


5. Potatoes

Daily Food Items That Might Kill You

Potatoes have poisonous stems and leaves still, poisoning is extremely rare. The cases of deaths were revealed only when people tried drinking tea made of potato leaves or consuming green potatoes.


6. Apple Seeds

Daily Food Items That Might Kill You

Apple seeds, unless consumed in large quantity, are harmless. But once you do, it might be dangerous for your health. The seeds contain cyanide which is of course, poisonous.


7. Shellfish

Daily Food Items That Might Kill You

Just like the tongue-twisting name, Shellfish allergy can twist and affect your usual breathing. It can even stop you from breathing in severe cases.


8. Castor Oil

Daily Food Items That Might Kill You

Castor oil is extracted from Castor beans, which are full of ricin. It is poison capable of killing anyone. Be assured that the oil you’re consuming, made from good quality beans.


9. Tomatoes

Daily Food Items That Might Kill You

The leaves of this reddish juicy fruit contain a highly toxic poison glycoalkaloid. It can cause stomach aches, anxiety and serious health problems. Get rid of the stems and leaves before consuming.


10. Cherries

Daily Food Items That Might Kill You

Just like the apple seeds, cherry seeds contain hydrogen cyanide as well. Don’t consume too much of them!


11. Raw Meat

Daily Food Items That Might Kill You

Uncooked and raw meat such as poultry, red meat, etc contain salmonella bacteria which can cause serious health problems. It can result in gastroenteritis and even bacteremia in a few severe cases.


12. Uncooked Eggs

Daily Food Items That Might Kill You


The salmonella bacteria plays a crucial role here as well. Don’t forget to cook your eggs well before eating.


13. Hot Dogs.

Daily Food Items That Might Kill You

They are unhealthy, but not deadly. However, a number of cases have been reported where children choked to death while eating hot dogs.


13. Almonds

Daily Food Items That Might Kill You

Though these nuts (seeds actually!) are full of health benefits, yet, they could be dangerous. Bitter almonds have a high concentration of cyanide which is potentially removed by various heating processes. Your do-it-yourself oven roasting strategy won’t work here.

Also read: How Will Eating A Cucumber Everyday Help You Stay Fit? Find Out Yourself!


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