Dark Animals Comics That Depict What Really Happens Out In The Wild


Comics have always been one of the best ways to show what really happens around us. Be it in the wild or in the society, these cartoon images subtly depicts the truth. I have always been a fan of these comics artist. And as the days are progressing, these illustrators are targeting the real problems using their talent. They are so accurate that you not just end up laughing but also, cry thinking about the entire truth. Now, there animals comics showing the wild side of animals. But if you really are one of the thinkers, you would understand that these are satires on our lives.

Read More: 21 Comics Drenched In Grim Humor For Some Twisted Laughs

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Here are animals comics that depicts what actually happens out in the wild, try not to laugh-

1. No one in the wild likes when the crows do this. And I thought this happens only with us humans.

Dark Animals Comics That Depicts What Really Happens Out In The Wild

2. Animals comics that depicts how humans are. Should we feel offended?

Dark Animals Comics That Depicts What Really Happens Out In The Wild

3. Grasshoppers and cute, seriously? Was the illustrator high when he made these animals comics?

Dark Animals Comics That Depicts What Really Happens Out In The Wild

4. Well, this is what happens in the wild. Even a rabbit’s pain depicts what it feels when premade plans fail.

Dark Animals Comics That Depicts What Really Happens Out In The Wild

5. Have you ever seen or even thought of a bird that skates? Well, look at this one of the many animals comics.

Dark Animals Comics That Depicts What Really Happens Out In The Wild

6. I can totally relate to this when certain people get on stage to present their views. This perfectly depicts what actually happens.

Dark Animals Comics That Depicts What Really Happens Out In The Wild

7. You never who will attack you from where in the wild or in the society.

Dark Animals Comics That Depicts What Really Happens Out In The Wild

8. Exactly, no one really cares, sam. These animals comics perfectly depicts what humans do.

Dark Animals Comics That Depicts What Really Happens Out In The Wild

9. If even you are the one who keeps such dreams, stop doing it. This never happens.

Dark Animals Comics That Depicts What Really Happens Out In The Wild

10. Too many sorries but not one apology that actually people mean. 

Dark Animals Comics That Depicts What Really Happens Out In The Wild

11. At least the bunny is happy unlike all of us. This rarely happens, to be honest.

Dark Animals Comics That Depicts What Really Happens Out In The Wild

12. The blue whale is lost, can anyone take the challenge to make this whale swim back home?

Dark Animals Comics That Depicts What Really Happens Out In The Wild

13. A male skunk is like a guy, they always keep looking for anything that’s a girl. This happens, not just in the wild but also, in the human world.

Dark Animals Comics That Depicts What Really Happens Out In The Wild

14. This cat is evil, look at that smile. To be honest, all cats are wild.

Dark Animals Comics That Depicts What Really Happens Out In The Wild

15. “Sometimes you just wake up sad,” holy mother of philosophy. This is the single most accurate things I have ever heard.

Dark Animals Comics That Depicts What Really Happens Out In The Wild

16. Sometime when you are sick of flying, you should walk. But the other way around is not possible for everyone.

Dark Animals Comics That Depicts What Really Happens Out In The Wild

17. Even there is a claim in the wild. Well, these animals comics are simply genius. A satire on the wild side of our society.

Dark Animals Comics That Depicts What Really Happens Out In The Wild

18. I repeat, and I’ll stand by my words,”Cats are evil. Wild and evil.”

Dark Animals Comics That Depicts What Really Happens Out In The Wild

19. And we actually think that the birds are singing. How wrong we have been all this time. So, this is what actually happens.

Dark Animals Comics That Depicts What Really Happens Out In The Wild

20. Let’s just leave these two birds to honk and keep honking at each other.

Dark Animals Comics That Depicts What Really Happens Out In The Wild


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