14 Bizarre & Embarrassing Things That Happened At Weddings


Weddings are beautiful & auspicious. Well, that is what you believe until something really bad & embarrassing happens at a wedding & you’re there to witness it.

Embarrassing Things At Weddings


Remember, when in Friends Ross got the bride’s name wrong while saying the vows? That was embarrassing but that was just on a TV show, nothing nearly bad to that extent can happen in real life you think? It’s time to rethink, as we go through a list of 15 most embarrassing things that happened at weddings.

14 Most Bizarre & Embarrassing Things That Happened At Weddings

1. The thirst is high on this one. The love is not.

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2. There must be more important things for them to do at the wedding than well, to spend some quality time with the person they just got married to, seems reasonable.

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3. A wedding is supposed to be really special for the bride & that is why this one just makes you sad.

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4. How embarrassing is the fact that the groom’s best man turned out to be the best man that the bride could find at her wedding?

Embarrassing Things At WeddingsVia


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