15 Of The Most Sarcastic Signs That Will Definitely Crack You Up


The main aim of warning signs is to make the people who read those aware of the surroundings and prevent employees, customers and public from any kind of injury or harm. Most of these signs are often very boring to read and get neglected by most of the people. However, some signs are a bit sarcastic and their intention is quite different. These signs are informative. But at the same time, with some sarcastic touch, they turn out to be hilarious. The people who created these signs either have a great sense of humor or were just bored with their life. Well, it doesn’t matter because these sarcastic signs have provided us with an awesome dose of entertainment.

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Here are 15 of the most sarcastic signs that will definitely crack you up.

1. Well, look at the positive part, at least you are exempted from paying the fine.

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2. These people are literally living in the future. All the cars there are hover crafts. They can run on land as well as on water. Well, I wish I could live here.

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3. Please do not disturb the deer. He is our friend and we treat him like a human being.

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4. This is the lane which every man thinks a woman lives in.

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5. Why can’t you just see a human being have some fun while travelling? This is just so sad.

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6. Well, it is not about the number of human beings. It is about the number a weighing shows when a human being stands on it.

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7. Ride over the rainbow and enjoy on the highway to heaven.

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8. Well, this is very offensive.



9. This could probably be one of the most crowded zones in the city.

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10. The odds are pretty much in your favour, aren’t they?

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11. We admire your efforts, seagulls!

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12. You will definitely the company of these thieves.

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13. Please stay out, the edges are so sharp that they can cut your trust in human beings. Also, make sure you read the part written in small font at the bottom of the sign.

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14. They know that children are no less than some wild animals. 

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15. Can somebody please think of the animals we have here? We don’t want them to fall sick.

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