20 Gifs That Perfectly Describe An Average Indian Life


An average Indian life. Be videshi all you want, but desi has its own taste. The love of our parents to the taunts of annoying relatives, Indian life is the best. We never grow up for our parents, we eat like crazy and we don’t care. All this sounds like the perfect script for a good ole’ Bollywood drama flick, doesn’t it? Nope? Well, I’ll let some crazy GIFs prove my point:

Let’s check out some of the moments of an average Indian life that everyone can relate to.

1. Pleasant Surprise

When you see a long lost bestie at an unexpected place

indian life


2. Household chores

When your mom gives you a list of chores to do for the day

indian life


3. Salesmen

When the salesman says “No bargaining, fixed price hai.”

indian life


4. Revenge of the Fallen

When your best friend slips and falls right in front of you

indian life



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