These Are The 25 Most Hilarious WWE Mistakes Shown in GIFs


People generally debate whether WWE was really happening, with all that falling, kicking, getting hit, banged, the pain, the anger, the frustration or was the whole thing staged up, choreographed and a total fake and were all phonies, who were just acting it out. Well, honestly they are fake, but the fact is that movies are also fake, yet people watch because they entertain and the bottom line is that everyone enjoys it. Like movies, where there are many mistakes, so is it in the WWE Sports, which was never seen, but now when spotted, it’s simply hilarious.

In WWE there’s a serious upside being staged, especially when things don’t go as planned and it’s absolutely hilarious, with the mistakes they make, which was never seen.  We have collected 25 hilarious WWE mistakes GIFs which was never seen by your naked eyes. Enjoy it!

also, read Rare Photos of Famous Celebrities That You’ve Never Seen Before

1. Any idea who hit who? Everybody is safe, including the chair.

WWE mistakes never seen hilarious


2. It was just a madman kicking in the air, no need for Khali to get angry.

WWE mistakes never seen hilarious


3. This was one of the big mistakes of WWE ‘all fall down.’

WWE mistakes never seen hilarious


4. The pickup and the drop mistakes of WWE. Hilarious!

WWE mistakes never seen hilarious


5. This guy seems to enjoy the fall!

WWE mistakes never seen hilarious


6. Whoa! Was that very close of very far?

WWE mistakes never seen hilarious


7. Guys! That’s not in the script. Hilarious!

WWE mistakes never seen hilarious


8. Just a touch of the ropes, the rest my partner will do.

WWE mistakes never seen hilarious


9. That was really an in-between shot.

WWE mistakes never seen hilarious


10. Just a sliding hand will do the trick!

WWE mistakes never seen hilarious



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