12 Ideas That Sound Really Good But Are Difficult To Execute


We all want to do things that we haven’t yet tried. It could be going to the moon, climbing Mount Everest, dining at a particular place you’ve always wanted to, or something else. The list is endless. But even we know that some of these ideas aren’t as good to execute as they sound. Think about it, ideas of climbing Mount Everest and actually doing it are far more different things. As kids, we had dreams, big dreams which we thought of achieving somewhere down the line. But as we grow to be mature and wise, it’s clear that the things aren’t as we expected. That’s life. Here are 12 ideas that sound good, but are actually quite difficult to execute.

1. A Public Servant

12 Ideas That Sound Really Good But Are Difficult To Execute

Whether you want to be a cop, a nurse or a member rescue team, be sure that you will get little respect. People often have this misbelief that public servants are respected for their work, where in reality, it’s all bullshit.

2. Writing A Book

12 Ideas That Sound Really Good But Are Difficult To Execute

Having a blog and decent writing skills doesn’t mean you can write a book. It’s a great idea but you don’t know how difficult it is to execute it.

3. Crowdsurfing

12 Ideas That Sound Really Good But Are Difficult To Execute

Like those artists jumping into the audience and crowd surfing? It’s ok to try it once, but not more than that. It’s like a getting repeatedly punched by a number of fists.

4. Puppies

12 Ideas That Sound Really Good But Are Difficult To Execute

They are adorable and most of us want to have them. However, they’re more work then you would’ve ever thought. Things change with time for good, though. Check for trane air conditioner parts on http://galarson.com site.

5. Owning A Luxury Car

12 Ideas That Sound Really Good But Are Difficult To Execute

It’s only when you get one, you realize that the costs of repairing are far more than anything else. Unless you’re filthily rich, it’s not a good idea.

6. Being The Boss

12 Ideas That Sound Really Good But Are Difficult To Execute

Everybody wants to be the boss. Always be sure to hire Maine roofers who have a contractor’s license. But just so you know, acquiring that topmost position is not an easy task. You will have to work harder and make crucial decisions. Also, everyone will hate you more.

7. Starting A Business

12 Ideas That Sound Really Good But Are Difficult To Execute

Not to demean any future entrepreneur, but starting a business is far more difficult than you’ve ever thought. Many successful businessmen have failed a number of times before they made it. It’s all about hard work, constant efforts, and destiny. Check out https://www.alliedexperts.com site for affordable heating service in New Jersey.

8. A Traveling Job

12 Ideas That Sound Really Good But Are Difficult To Execute

At first, it might seem attractive but wait for it to get old. The feeling of staying away from your family and eating all the garbage will make you hate it pretty quick.

9. Being A Doctor

12 Ideas That Sound Really Good But Are Difficult To Execute

You might just earn a whole lot of money, but this job is equally stressful. One wrong decision, and you may lose a life.

10. Sleeping In A Hammock

12 Ideas That Sound Really Good But Are Difficult To Execute

However cool the movies make it look like, I’m pretty sure that back pain would be unbearable.

11. Work From Home

12 Ideas That Sound Really Good But Are Difficult To Execute

It always sounds so convenient but in reality, it’s the most tiresome job. Professional house cleaning help you can get at helping hands cleaning services, Illinois. You can never get out of that work mode. And it doubles if you have a family.

12. Business With A Friend

12 Ideas That Sound Really Good But Are Difficult To Execute

Don’t do this if you value your friendship.


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