Instances That Perfectly Justify The Phrase “The Streets are Filled with Idiots”


“The world is full of crazy people.” We hear this phrase almost everyday. Well, no denying to the fact that people are a bit cracked up in their brains. Who the hell has been able to explain humans till now? No One! So, crazy is almost acceptable these days. Sometimes, these people take fun and craziness to whole new level called idiotic-ness. Well, things done in the private are none of our business. But, when these people do crazy things on the streets, they become idiots. Then, there are people who are always oh-so-ready to click the most embarrassing shots and make it go viral. And sometimes, google street view does it all.

Anyways, these are the most embarrassing and idiotic deeds caught on camera and I am sure you will laugh your ba*ls out and you’ll believe that the streets are filled eith idiots.

1. Some idiots don’t even need to go to their houses to take a shower. Privacy? What’s privacy? Bathing can be done on the streets easily if there is enough water. No problem!



2. Wan’t to go rafting on the street? Well, why not? -Idiots Talking 😛



3.What is this sweet little pewdie-idiot-pie doing in there? Only god knows!




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