An Introvert Is Amazing Yet Highly Misunderstood !


How do we sum up a shy, gawky, reserved, clumsy, little bit nerdy and a socially awkward person in one word? We call the person an introvert! And there is nothing bad at all about being an introvert but sad they’re misunderstood. These qualities are beautiful but who possess any of these are assumed to be the boring, cold type.

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Not that it’s anybody’s fault that they are misunderstood, but this how introverts have been portrayed over the years, in movies or television. And sure introverts may look like they’re reserved, but that it just one very small part of their personality. All you need is a little bit of patience. They will open up to you and that is when you’ll know how crazy in the head these introverts are!

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Introverts are misunderstood on so many levels, time to clear them out.

Introverts are rude: Introverts take time to get comfortable. Expecting them to keep talking all the while in the first time itself will get you disappointed. They’ll utter two-three words and that’s it. That is why introverts come across as arrogant. They’ll gradually open up to you, and then you’ll realize that your introverted friend is such a darling!

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Introverts are shy: Only with people they have a formal relationship with! And that too just in the initial stages. It is very awkward for them to even ask for a “sukha puri” and that is when they put their extrovert best friend forward.

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They have no shame at all when they are around their best of friends. Only people with introverted best friends know how wild they are!

Introverts don’t talk much : They talk often, but not to every random person, the list is selective. A short conversation is not something they really like. Hence, getting into small chats with people doesn’t really happen. Introverts are deep people. Get them to talk about something interesting, they’ll go on for 3 days straight, and you’ll be the one listening.

Introverts misunderstood
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Introverts are not outgoing: Sure they are, they are so badly misunderstood! They can party, shop, trek, go for movies and do everything that you call fun. The difference between an extrovert and introvert is that they start feeling homesick just 3 hours after having fun, they love their small little cozy homes. The time they spend outside is surely less than extroverts, but they do like going out.

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Introverts are not a people’s person: They love people. They value every person important to them. They can even beat up a person to death who hurts their people and can sob more than their best friend who just broke up. If you have an introvert person as a friend, congrats, you have a loyal friend for a lifetime!

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Introverts like to be alone: Introverts totally love wasting their time on themselves. But that is not something they do all the time. They feel lonely if they haven’t spoken to their favorite person for a long time and frequent meet ups are mandatory.

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Introverts don’t know how to chill: Their idea of chilling different. You tell an introvert to chill and they’ll go and sleep. Or comfortable pajamas, laptop or a book and a strong coffee is more than enough to get them excited.

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Introverts are always detached: Introverts are thinkers. They are always solving puzzles in their head which may sound stupid! Reacting to everything that is going on around becomes exhausting. We are not always aloof. Get us some great gossip and they’ll be sitting at your feet!

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Introverts without alcohol are boring: Rubbish! Getting tipsy brings out a different side of a person, and sure little bit of alcohol is always fun. But they can be fun without that too! Introverts have an amazing sense of humor, plan a sleepover and they will tell you how much fun they have had! If you know what I mean!

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Introverts suck at relationships: Damn no! Introverts are mysterious people! And mysterious is always charming. People who are in a relationship with introverts are taken by surprise when they realize that they can be great partners. And are almost happily shocked when they put their intimacy skills on display. Enough said!

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Introverts are incredibly awesome, their mysterious nature makes them very attractive, they are great listeners and can always make you feel special. So, if you’re going through a rough phase in life, you know which friend can lift your mood! They do a lot of thinking, so they are really good with advises. So you can never really be stuck in a situation for long. Point is, if you have an introverted friend, rejoice!

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