Meet Jazz Egger,The Woman Who Claims To Have The Most Tinder Matches In The Entire World!


Jazz, after downloading Tinder few months ago didn’t realize that this dating app could make her famous worldwide. But, it soon turned out to be too much for her because no sooner did she create her account than the Likes and Super Likes came flowing in and she became the woman with most Tinder matches.

Jazz Egger the woman with most tinder matches


And all Tinder users would know what a “swipe” is, wanna know how many did she bag in?

Jazz Egger the woman with most tinder matchesvia

It was 5,400 swipes, yep let that sink in. But she says that she no longer can keep up with the number of suitors! That’s no joke obviously.

Jazz Egger the woman with the most tinder matchesvia


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