These Kids’ Transformation Over Time Show How Things Have Changed


We have seen a lot of transformation but the most surprising are the kids’ transformation then and now. I feel lucky because I got to see both sides of the spectrum, the world before the technology invasion and the world after. Our generation was always dependent on outdoor games and not on gadgets. We didn’t stay indoors because there was nothing to do unless it was raining and even then we were begging to go out if only to the porch. But the kids today are so different; everything is centered on their gadgets.

Read More: People Share Their Shocking Ugly Ducklings To Handsome Transformations And It’s Incredible!

Here is some kids’ transformation then and now that makes us realize how drastically things have changed since we were kids. These kids’ transformation makes me feel like I am so old.

1.Taking pictures

Then: It was so difficult for us to click and then get the pictures washed to have it.

kids’ transformation

Now: There are smartphones, you just need to open the camera and voila you have captured the moment.

kids’ transformation

2.Listening to music

Then: When we were kids, we had the Cds and DVDs to listen to music or that walkman and radio.

kids’ transformation

Now: Kids have a lot of options to listen to their favorite song anywhere anytime.

kids’ transformation


Then: We had two programs to choose from and they both involved tying up the phone line.

kids’ transformation

Now: We can pick and choose what internet programs we want and customize them to our exact preference. Wi-fi is everywhere and we never have to worry about paying for the internet.

kids’ transformation


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