12 Mental Health Tips That Will Cheer You Up If You’re Having A Bad Day


With all the ongoing hardships, your mental health may deteriorate to a great extent. Certain tips given by experts help you improve your mental health in easy ways.

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Here are 12 Mental health tips that cheer you up if you are having a bad day.

1. You don’t have to be thankful for things not being worse.

Many people have a habit of going through some problems by convincing oneself that other people are going through worse problems. However, other people’s problems, whether they are big or small, in no way justify the state of your problems and have no relation with how you feel as an individual.

Mental health tips


2. If you make a bad decision, don’t be a cry baby.

Instead of beating yourself up, whenever you make a bad decision, just find a way to evade the  difficulty. Just remember that the decision you made was the best possible under the past circumstances. So future you must try to solve the problem instead of blaming the past you.

Mental health tips


3. You must believe in the fact that there is an equal probability of occurrence of best case scenarios and worst case scenarios.

You must think about the best case scenarios as much as you think about the worst case scenarios.

Mental health tips

4. Not all of your relationships will last forever and that’s okay.

Every relationship teaches you something. You must learn a lesson from it and try to move on. Mental health tips


5. Stop framing your life on “Should”.

‘Should’ often represents unrealistic standards. Instead of forcing yourself to do something over a long duration, think about how your life is going to be the next minute, hour or day.

Mental health tips


6. Stop caring about what others think.

Unless you have got some godly superpowers, there’s no way to know what others are thinking about you. You just need to stop worrying about that.

Mental health tips
7. Avoid jumping to conclusions.

You can never have an insight regarding what others might think about you. If people don’t reply your text message within an hour, you go into a self analysis state and jump to different unnecessary conclusions. However, in reality, their phone could have just died or they might be busy.

Mental health tips

8. Write down a list of achievements that you are proud of on a piece of paper and stick it to a wall.

Mental health tips

9. Building your own support group is one of the most important tips.

Whenever you are feeling low, you must talk to the people you are comfortable with. You can talk to your parents, doctor or your friends. You will definitely feel better.

Mental health tips


10. Befriend yourself for improving your mental health.

Just the way you try to comfort your best friend when he is having a bad day, do it with yourself.

Mental health tips



11. Accept the fact that we can’t be okay all the time. 

Mental health tips



12. If you ever become a victim of comparison with other human beings, realise the fact that there is always someone better and someone worse than you at a particular job.

Mental health tips



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