Never Marry A Guy Who Has These 15 Habits


Marriage is one of the most important decisions of any girl’s life and it can be very tricky at times. To be honest, many marriages happen between two people who do not even know each other very well. This is the reason why there are you chances of a failed marriage but nobody would want that, would they? This is the reason why we brought to you 15 habits to check before marrying a guy. Never choose a guy if he has these habits:

1. Narrow-Minded Thinking

15 bad habits


Guys who are narrow-minded are not really ideal for marriage. You would be restricted to do many things and your life would be ruined.

2. Anti-Animals

15 bad habits


If the guy is empathetic towards animals and loves them, he is perfect for anybody. Otherwise, not so much.

3. Rule-Breaker

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Every relationship has to have certain rules. If the guy does not like to follow, he is not worthy.

4. Breaks Promises Very Often

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This is one of the worst habits you can find in any guy.

5. Prioritizes You Lower

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He should know how to treat you and not prioritize you below certain things.

6. Thinks He Is Perfect

15 bad habits


Nobody is perfect and every guy should know that. Otherwise, he would want you to change as well which is not a good thing.

7. Always Gives Excuses

15 bad habits


Liars always gives excuses. You should never fall for someone who’s like that.

8. Never Stops The Fight

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If he likes to keep quarrelling and does not compromise even a little bit, he has got one of the really bad habits of all time.

9. Not A Good Conversationalist

15 bad habits


There comes certain times when you need someone to talk to and if the guy is not a good conversationalist, it’s bad for you.

10. Liar

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If the man is a complete liar, don’t give it a second thought.

11. Clingy

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Loving is good but being clingy is not. Everybody wants some space and the guy should respect that.

12. Anti-Family

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Make your mind up again if your guy does not have time for family.

13. Smoking

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Smoking is one of the worst habits and most guys would not be able to leave it.

14. Not Mature

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Petty issues should not matter in a relationship and it is very important for the guy to be mature enough to understand this.

15. Abusive

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Genuinely, just walk away from this type of a guy. He does not deserve your love.


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