12 Proofs That You Should Not Trust Perfect Photos On Social Networks All The Time


Some people can go to any lengths just in order to impress people and where can you fake any better than in social networks? It is absolutely true that they try to demonstrate their made up “beautiful lives” in social networks, to the rest of the world. To be honest, however, sometimes the show off ends up being incredibly hilarious.

1. Everybody wants that perfect stadium picture but that doesn’t mean you have to compulsorily visit the stadium for it, in the first place. All you need is a little bit of creativity. That’s it.

proofs you cannot trust perfect photos on social networks


2. It’s funny to me, how people do anything in order to click and post that perfect picture in social networks. Now, who would not trust that it’s real Gucci?

proofs you cannot trust perfect photos on social networks


3. When you captioned it “All mine and Natural” but behind the scenes, something absolutely opposite was happening.

proofs you cannot trust perfect photos on social networks


4. This is what I call a perfect execution of a plan. You can’t trust social networks at all, only because of dedicated guys like him. Look at the nails, he even applied nail polish to have that perfect picture with “Bae”.

proofs you cannot trust perfect photos on social networks


5. This is ingenious. Trust me, you can fake a lot of things if you know how to apply optical illusions and indeed, it is so cool.

proofs you cannot trust perfect photos on social networks


6. Want to tell the whole world that you have got a new job when you are actually still unemployed? This might be the perfect idea to fake it but in my opinion, one should first get a real job.

proofs you cannot trust perfect photos on social networks


7. This is one of the most commonly used processes for faking your background, which also used to be used by Hollywood, decades ago.

proofs you cannot trust perfect photos on social networks


8. It takes training to be a great basketball player. No training required, however when you don’t want to practice but want that awesome photo for uploading in social networks.

proofs you cannot trust perfect photos on social networks


9. Marveling at the pier. You can’t trust anything in the 21st century. Not even a thing.

proofs you cannot trust perfect photos on social networks


10. Wanna leave a generous tip for the waiter? This is the most genius way to do so.

proofs you cannot trust perfect photos on social networks


11. People who take a picture of a dish from the magazine and upload it on social networks captioning it “When bae cooks for me” are the only reasons why I have lost enough trust in the whole world.

proofs you cannot trust perfect photos on social networks


12. Yet another masterpiece. The bangles/wrist wears and the different coloured sleeve proves how desperate he was to click one such perfect picture with Bae.

proofs you cannot trust perfect photos on social networks



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